- Q:What is the Company's relationship with Canon, Inc.?
- A:In the Global Canon Group, Canon Inc. engages in research, development and production. The Canon Marketing Japan Group is in charge of sales, services and marketing related to Canon products in the Japanese market.
- Q:How many shares constitute a trading unit?
- A:A trading unit consists of 100 shares.
- Q:On what market is the Company's stock listed?
- A:It is listed on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
- Q:What is the code number for Canon Marketing Japan's shares stocks in Japan?
- A:The code number is 8060.
- Q:When do shares have to be held for shareholders to qualify to receive a dividend?
- A:Shares held on December 31, and June 30 entitle shareholders to receive dividends.
Canon Marketing Japan Inc. Investor Relations